
Top 5 Thrilling Outbound Team Building Activities For Corporates At Holiday Resorts

People living in Mumbai and Pune spend most of their time working day and night. They live hectic lifestyles, and organizations know their condition. The top management of every organization keeps an eye on the employees and ensures that they get a happy and healthy environment. The higher management has to understand the requirements of their employees, learn about their strengths and weaknesses, and organize several activities to refresh their minds and skills. To accomplish this, organizations conduct corporate development training programs for their employees.

Corporate development training includes different outbound team-building activities for employees that help them learn various skills while having lots of fun with their colleagues. To add to the fun, the companies prefer to conduct these professional training sessions at holiday resorts near Mumbai. Working in the same environment can be boring for employees. Organizing these training sessions at the nearest holiday resort provides a refreshing atmosphere for the employees. These outbound team-building exercises benefit the organization’s expansion and the employees’ personal development.

Numerous holiday resorts near Mumbai provide the best adventure activities you can include in your team-building activities for employees. Depending on the company’s budget, you can decide on a one-day picnic or employees can stay there for 2 or 3 days. However, it is proven that outbound training at the holiday resort adds more fun to learning than indoor ones. It offers various benefits that benefit both organizational and employee growth.

Here we have listed 5 exciting outbound team-building activities you can include in your corporate development training and easily organize at your nearest holiday resort.

1.   White Water Rafting

Water rafting entirely depends on the location of the holiday resort chosen. White water rafting Kolad is very famous in Maharashtra. It is a great team-building activity as it helps form a bond between the team members while paddling amid white waters. A skilled guide is required for rafting as people do not have experience with paddling and handling the exhilarating water.

2.   Team Challenge Course

It is important to push the employees out of their comfort zone. There are various rewarding activities and challenging courses like rock climbing, stand-up paddleboarding, and white water rafting that keep on engaging the employees for a complete day and build new skills.

3.   Mud Obstacle Course

It is a very exciting and fun activity mostly popular among military unit activities. The team can splash in the mud and perform various activities like crawling, leaping, and climbing daunting tracks. Mostly, there is a time limit to complete the task which helps the team push each other to complete the task on time. This is a great team-building activity to build new skills and conquer something intimidating.

4.   Rock Climbing And Rappelling

It seems like a highly individualized sport but requires great teamwork. It is not easy to climb the steep rocks especially when the wall revolves. It requires good communication skills, patience, confidence, and creativity. It helps develop the skills of the team. It is a safe sport and can be done by anyone with little practice.

5.   Paintball Tag

This corporate team-building activity requires groups. Shoot the paintball to your opponent and eliminate them. It is a fun activity that helps in building teamwork and coordination.


If you are in search of the right destination to organize a corporate development training program near Mumbai, visit the Empower Activity Camps. It is a passion-driven company and the best adventure resort near Mumbai that provides a complete facility for experiential learning within a safe and peaceful environment.

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